Tuesday, February 23, 2010

From all evil and wickedness, Good Lord, deliver us.

From all evil and wickedness; from sin; from the crafts and assaults of the devil; and from everlasting damnation, Good Lord, deliver us.

Oh, how much strength it takes to stay on the right path! The temptation to quit is very strong but with the grace of God, I have been able to fight that demon.

I had a dream about a week ago...the same dream that I've had repeatedly for a number of years, just a different face and a different scene. The evil one, hiding behind the mask of "trust" is trying to convince me to stray from the path set before me and I usually fall for it. But this dream was different. In this dream, I was able to, even subconciously, tell that demon, "NO!" I awoke feeling like a great victory had been won, and indeed for me it had. No longer would I fall into the trap of deception and lose my soul and all the grace that had been given to me. This time, I was in charge of my dream. This time I won.

Last night I had another dream, much like the ones before my "victory" dream. Still, I awoke knowing that I make the decision to stay or to go, no one else. I choose to stay. I still win!

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