Wednesday, February 17, 2010

O God the Father, Creator of heaven and earth, Have mercy upon us.

I could be a better steward of this earth. Sure there are things that I do, I tell myself, that are helping the environment; but is it enough? I could put more effort into remembering my "green bags" for shopping instead of leaving them in the trunk of the car. I could carry with me a bag just for litter that I see on the sidewalk as I pass by and pick it up instead of just glaring at it in judgement of the person who carelessly left it behind. If I think hard enough or research other ways of greening my life, I'm sure I could do more.

I often look up at the beautiful sky, the clouds and the birds and give thanks. I often look up in awe at the stars twinkling above and I praise God. I love the smell and sound of rain and I love the way God has hand painted the flowers and the trees and how the colors change with the seasons. I am filled with a comforting sense of joy with all the creatures of this planet, both man and beast. I wonder at the creatures below the seas and the new discoveries that are made every day. So much of God's creation I'll never even know, but of those gifts that I do know, I am very thankful.

Am I thankful enough to keep it all alive by doing my part--by doing more than the usual?

Have mercy on me, O God, I am a sinner.

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