Tuesday, March 16, 2010

That it may please thee to preserve all who are in danger by reason of their labor or their travel

That it may please thee to preserve all who are in danger by reason of their labor or their travel, We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord.

"Watch out for the other guy" was the slogan in the... mid-seventies, I believe. Now, with the constant distraction of cell phones, iPods, and a slew of new devices to help us "multi-task", the "task at hand" seems to have a new meaning. That long ago slogan is all wrong, which is probably why it's not used anymore. Maybe it was misinterpreted. Maybe it meant that by being a responsible driver we would also be watching out for the other guy in a courteous way...by humbly yielding to someone that "must" go first; by backing off from a driver that is going too slow to give them room and not possibly create a situation of panic for them; by slowing down so the person behind you can pass you safely; by practicing the gift of patience instead of laying on the horn. Road courtesy has been replaced, unfortunately, by road rage and we all "do it". I will personally keep trying to get it right, by allowing Grace to be my driving instructor.

As I write these thoughts tonight, I am aware of a call that came in this afternoon that a parishioner was at the hospital because of an automobile accident. I pray that God's Healing Grace will blanket this person and those who anxiously wait for test results.

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